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    Are the properties booked privately?

    All properties are private properties and you will have private access to the whole place and there will be no other guests. Except for in Esqape Panyali, as this property has 3 separate 2 bhk villas and to have private access you will have to book the whole estate.

    What are the arrangements for food?

    Some properties come with a cook and some come with fully equipped kitchens where you can cook for yourself or hire a cook on a daily wage and you have to provide the ingredients.

    How is the wifi?

    All properties have working wifi connection good for WFM and video calls, however please keep in mind all Esqape properties are secluded and wifi outages happen sometimes and it is our best effort to fix them as soon as possible.

    What about parking?

    All properties have parking facilities, some right next to the cottages and some walking distance away. Wherever your car is parked it is safe and taken care of.

    What about security?

    Firstly, all our locations are in small villages or secluded locations on hills which are not ‘unsafe’ or dangerous places. There is permanent staff at all properties to assist you with anything you might need and besides that we expect all guests to use common sense and be safe. Most properties are also shared with wild animals so some caution is recommended.

    What about infants, toddlers and senior citizens?

    All our properties are well suited for people of all ages, but if you want to stay at a place where the parking is right next to the cottage, so you can access your car incase of an emergency or if you are traveling with senior citizens them avoid Esqape Gehna, Esqape Panyali, Esqape Jwalabanj and Esqape Gazaari

    Nature is loved by what is best in us — Ralph Waldo Emerson

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